(Author's Note: This story first appeared in Liesuresuit.net on 10/19/01. I've since realized that Archive.org seems to be turning up page captures of certain old stories from that publication, but not sure how. This is how I stumbled over this one again. It's worth re-telling here.)
I couldn't stop staring at Lee's
peach-fuzz mustache. Laid out in his coffin, he was wearing a dress shirt,
hands folded over chest. It was my second wake, as my grandmother had died two
years earlier, so I knew how to act. Stand over the coffin for a few minutes,
contemplate the corpse, then move on for the next in line. I felt insincere and
self conscious, but hadn't yet realized these were standard feelings in the
presence of a corpse.
Lee threw me with that mustache. It
was so cheesy looking, not like him at all. We had fallen out of touch in the
latter half of our senior year of high school when he started dating a girl in
that obsessive way teenagers and stalkers have in common. I hadn't seen him in
the eight months since we graduated high school. The mustache looked fake. I
wanted to reach down and tear it off, miraculously yanking him back to life and
out of this charade. But I knew it wouldn't budge. Maybe it's one of those
things, I thought, that hair and nails keep growing even after a person dies.
But if that were the case, wouldn't Lee have a five o'clock shadow? The rest of
his face was as clean and ashen as a tombstone. Even his acne had disappeared.
Of course, the real reason I focused
on his mustache was to deny the horror of one of my friends dying at eighteen.
According to the article in the local paper, his grandfather had found him in
his mother's garage "working on his car with the motor running." This
was in February, two days after Valentine's Day. The article vaguely stated there
was "no foul play" in his death. But it didn't state that if he were
working on the car, he would be doing so because it wasn't capable of running.
If it was, he'd be tinkering with the engine, not spending the hours it would
take for carbon monoxide poisoning. Lee was an intelligent kid, in no way
stupid, which he would have had to been to work on a car in a closed garage. I
had heard he had been drinking a lot around that time, so it's possible he
could have gotten drunk, went out to the garage, started the car and passed
out. But I knew that dead was dead, and it made no difference, at least to me.
He had turned the key and faded himself out of this world.
I don't believe in ghosts, but I've
been feeling haunted by Lee lately. I hadn't thought seriously about him for
years, then a few weeks ago, I spent days dwelling on his death, to the point
of tears I never bothered to shed back then. I keep picturing him, fading in
and out of consciousness behind the wheel of that car, only instead of driving
down a placid country lane at night, he's staring through the gloom at a
cinderblock wall with tools hanging on it.
If there's one thing I've realized
as I've grown older, it's that the mind plays tricks on us, especially with
memories. I paged through my Class of '82 yearbook recently, and the first big
picture is of the entire class gathered in a field behind our ugly pillbox high
school. We're all decked out in red and blue, the school colors, kids grouped
together in various social castes, cheerleader girlfriends perched on jock
boyfriends' shoulders, stoners slouched over and completely ignoring the
camera, the great middle class of kids in between saying cheese.

It is now virtually impossible to
see that picture without dwelling on Schwamy's bold statement, as all the other
memories around that day simply involve getting out of class and standing in a
field for half an hour. Some of what we did back then has become legend, retold
in tall tales over the years, in bars and living rooms, relating to a time in
our lives that our minds try to tell us was free and easy, but I can usually
recall as being wrought with teenage insecurities. With Lee, it bothers me that
I can hardly remember a thing about him, and we were good friends for six
years. All I can think about is Lee dying the way he did, although random
memories of him, like his trademark cackle, surface now and then like passing
shadows. I recognize these as glimpses of what it will mean to be truly old.
There was a strong case for suicide.
How many people accidentally die in closed garages with a running car? Lee's
family had been plagued by bad luck. His parents split when he was a kid, with
his father moving his medical practice out of town. He had two older brothers
and an older sister. One of the brothers was a smart, well-adjusted kid who
went on to become a doctor. The other died in a car crash when Lee was 12; my
mother can still recall him crying hysterically at the funeral as Lee had
idolized him. A few years later, his sister's boyfriend shot himself in the
head in the driveway of his mother's house. All this transpired before
Lee fell in love for the first time in our senior year. As with most kids at
that time, he had no idea what he was in for. The girl was pretty -- a junior
with a reputation for being clean-cut and intelligent. All the guys in our
social circle, including Lee, were dicks with women, either being too shy to
make anything happen, or so desperate that we smothered any potential
relationship. Maybe it was supposed to be that way. The guys who did go steady
came off as either lecherous perverts hiding their true selves from their
girlfriends, or already docile husbands being dragged around by the balls.
Whatever Lee was with his girl, I
had no idea, as they both floated into that stormy, elusive world of teenage
love. Couples like this dotted the hallways between classes, necking openly and
leaning as far into open lockers as they could to avoid teachers, the guy
holding his arm around the girl's neck in a way that suggested a minute mood
swing could find him strangling her. Most of them were doomed and blissfully
unaware of it. When the inevitable break-ups occurred, stories circulated of
vicious fights and occasional physical threats. That, or the wounded boy would
do something melodramatic, like call the girl at 11:00 on a school night and
play "Telephone Line" by the Electric Light Orchestra into the mouth
It was routine behavior for a guy in
love to become estranged from his friends, and Lee was no different. This
coincided with our graduation, so that I completely lost touch with him. I went
off to a local branch of Penn State, and Lee, like a lot of kids who didn't enter
college or the armed forces, had no idea what to do with his life. All I knew
is that he was living at home, with a minor reputation for drinking, and that
he had broken up with his girlfriend -- hardly an uncommon scenario at the
time. Whatever transpired between them, I had no idea, save that it was over.
The next time I saw him was in a funeral casket.
A strange thing happened about six
years after that. I had moved to New York and was in that annoying mid-20s
phase that can only be described as counterfeit middle-age. I still hear it now
with twentysomethings complaining about how they feel so old -- a concept
laughable to anyone old enough to know better. What they're really trying to
say is that they're clinging to a teenage sense of time -- and they are old by
this pitiful standard -- but haven't yet adapted to the reality of time, that
it keeps moving no matter how one perceives it. They're longing for a world
that no longer exists for them. Couple this with the first few tastes of a real
job with no end in sight, and it's easy to feel ancient at twenty-six.
I did what most people do in this
condition: drink too much, thinking it somehow romanticized my plight. I wasn't
alone -- the city was crawling with dimestore Bukowskis. We all had treasured stories
of waking up on the sidewalk next to a puddle of vomit, or realizing the
redhead at the bar we had thought was a dead ringer for Nicole Kidman more
strongly resembled Carrot Top in the morning light.
It was in this state that I took the
bus home one holiday season and went out drinking Christmas night with a few
friends. Most of the bars were closed, but we found one open, a real dive we
usually never went to, but had no choice. This bar had a back room with a pool
We went back there, and sitting in
the shadows was Lee's old girlfriend. She had on a spandex leopard-skin top and
a tight pair of jeans. Smoking. Still pretty, but harder around the eyes. It
was a look I normally associated with older people who had been through the
ringer a few times. She had road miles on her face. There was another woman
with her with that same slightly used-car look.
At first, we kept our distance, but
after a few rounds, we found our way into a booth and started talking about
legendary teachers and their quirky habits. She had the accent: that thick Coal Region brogue of northeast Pennsylvania, a
hybrid of guttural Eastern European and elongated Irish. That accent, to me,
was someone's way of saying they were always going to live there, a sort of
unconscious, working-class dedication to home, even if it meant scuffling for
low-paying jobs in a place left devastated when the coal boom ended decades
before we were born.
We were all flirting. The thought of
scoring with Lee's old girlfriend intrigued me, although I knew there was
nothing romantic about a drunken romp, no matter what the personal history. As
we kept drinking, it became obvious that no one would be getting laid that
night. And when that bridge was silently crossed, Lee's old girlfriend looked
straight at me and said, "You were one of Lee's friends, weren't
I could tell by the way she said it
that she'd been sitting on that one all night, waiting for the right time to
bring it out. We had gotten paired off at one end of the booth, and no one else
could hear us. It wasn't an accusation, just an honest question. I said yes.
The hardness drained from her face, and she told me as much as she was willing
to tell. They were in love, things had gone wrong, and they simply had lost
control of the situation. Nobody's fault, just the way things played out. She
didn't say when they had broken up, or what the final blow was. Her accent fell
away when she spoke about this, and I could see the studious girl she had been
in school lurking just beneath the surface.
The worst thing she told me, and she
wouldn't be specific, was that some people close to Lee had blamed her for his
death. This had wounded her deeply, that her first love would always have this
ugly coda. Her confession happened in the span of a Def Leppard song on the
jukebox. At the end of it, she got up and went to the ladies room, and I just
sat there staring at my bottle of Yuengling. She came back a few minutes later,
and I could tell that she had been crying. No one mentioned Lee again, and the
night played out in that hazy, late-night drunk manner of nostalgia and small
The last thing I remember was
stumbling to the car with my friends, looking over my shoulder and seeing her
at the door of the bar at closing time. She waved at me and smiled. It was one
of those frigid clear winter nights with no snow on the ground. I had long
given up on church, much less the midnight mass my family would go to for
Christmas. But there was something in her smile and the wave of her hand that
made me think of those nights. It was tradition at those masses for the priest
to hand out small boxes of chocolates to the children on the steps of the
church as we exited. Now that I was so old, I was getting a hangover and mixed
emotions instead.
At our 10th year class reunion, Lee,
and a few other people from our class who had died young, were the objects of a
fairly bizarre tribute. I went to the reunion over Thanksgiving weekend at a
catering hall back home. Twenty-eight years old -- no longer "middle-aged,"
but closing in on the brick wall of thirty. This had the potential for a
terrible time, but I ended up having a ball. It was great to meet old friends
again, and a pleasant surprise to find that life had beaten us all down enough
that even former enemies could sit down and commiserate over a few drinks.
But off in the corner was a table
with four lit candles on it to commemorate those classmates who couldn't be
with us that night. Never mind that only 60 people showed up from a class of
over 200. There were plenty of living classmates who couldn't be with us that
night because they hated high school and thought the reunion would be complete
Lee was the second candle. The first
was a kid named Kyle, one of Lee's friends, who had shot himself in the head at
a bush party two months before graduation, inexplicably blurting out the word
"cheeseballs" before pulling the trigger. The third was a girl named
Carol who had a congenital heart problem all through high school and watched
her days fall in numbers even then. The fourth was Danny, who was drunk driving
home from a block party when he veered into the wrong lane, hit another car
head on at top speed, and took two other people with him to the other side.
Some shit-assed DJs had been hired
for the night, leisure-suited morning zoo types, and it was easy to ignore them
so long as they kept a steady flow of Billy Squier, Styx and Journey. Near the
end of the party, they started pulling out all the stops nostalgia-wise, and I
could see they were going to close out the same way every high-school dance
ended in 1982: Skynyrd and Zeppelin, baby, "Freebird" and
"Stairway to Heaven." "Freebird" came first, and it got the
dance floor crowded with nearly everyone, even when the song sped up and made
the guys do more than slow dance.
The song was met with a huge round of
applause. From the stage, one of the DJs directed our attention to the table
with the four candles, stating that this last song was for those of us who
couldn't be here tonight, yes, the special ones who had left us early. I was
sitting at a back table having a beer with an old friend when the gentle
opening strains of "Stairway to Heaven" echoed through the hall. What
happened next was a mass exodus from the dance floor. I could hear people muttering
"fuck this" and "this is sick" as they passed on the way to
the bar. The DJs had hit a raw nerve with the crowd, who didn't want to see
these deaths exploited. The dance floor was empty before Robert Plant spouted
his first line of lame hippie swill.
I hadn't seen that one coming, nor
had the DJs, who snuck behind curtains and speakers when the song ended. There
were scattered boos. Most people were milling around the back of the hall, men
and women alike toting beers in both hands before the bar closed and muttering
about the DJs' tastelessness. Ten minutes later, it was old news. I never liked
that song. If people were going to be this offended, I reasoned, the DJs should
have gone for broke, dedicated "Highway to Hell" to Danny at
ear-splitting volume and beat ass out of there before they got ran out on a
I hadn't been aware of it, but Lee
is buried in the small Protestant cemetery on the hill in my hometown. He lived
in another small town with its own cemetery a good 10 miles away, so this was a
bit of a shock to me. In our town's cemetery, there used to be a wooden rail
fence dividing the Protestant and Catholic sides. We used to love dangling
upside down from it by the backs of our knees, even if it meant getting
splinters. The fence is gone, but I gather that sense of separation is still
there, embedded in family plots that will take years to fill out.
When we were kids, that cemetery
represented life more than death to us. It was a great place to sleigh ride in
the winter, careening our Flexible Flyers around the tombstones on daredevil
runs to the bottom of the hill. There was a wide open patch on the Protestant
side that served as a good football field. Summer nights found us playing
jailbreak (a derivative of hide-and-seek brought to us by my Point Pleasant, NJ
cousins) or telling ghost stories by those spooky graves with lit candles on
them. I tried in vain to walk off my first drunk on the Catholic side late one
night, shamefully vomiting next to my grandmother's grave and wiping the sweat
from my brow with my grandfather's Memorial Day American flag.
People came there on Sundays and
major holidays to pay their respects. This looked like hell to me. Distracted
parents and their ungrateful kids badgering the shit out of each other. Older
people weeping by their loved ones' tombstones, planting flowers and kneeling
on the grass with dazed looks on their faces. Yapping dogs on leashes marking
their territories on tombstone corners.
All they were trying to do was
remember, and there's nothing wrong with that. I can see that to do so with
honesty and clarity is the best tribute to someone who is gone. A subtle form
of hell may be the inability to remember at all, as it leaves a sort of
emptiness easily mistaken for freedom. I think of Schwamy's shirt and recognize
that my memory has been like that bad touch-up job, substituting an unreal
shade of blue for pure white, all to avoid that unacceptable middle finger of
our youth.